Steven slate drums 4 black friday prices
Steven slate drums 4 black friday prices

steven slate drums 4 black friday prices

Working with Steven Slate drums 4 Platinum With everything set so SSD gives me the best sound a basic kit will use about 1300MB Ram, if I set it for lowest ram usage a kit will use roughly 400MB ram.

steven slate drums 4 black friday prices

Drum Detail can be set to Full, Medium, Low and Resampling quality to Maximum, Good and Normal.

steven slate drums 4 black friday prices

In the Settings window change the cell / Kit view, here we can also adjust how the SSD4 engine will handle the load of samples. The Map converter is what the name says, now in the latest beta they did some changes to load predefined Conversations, in the latest beta there is now conversations that makes SSD4 work as the other big drum samplers allowing the user to us MIDI from them to with play SSD4 and that is a very nice feature. SSD4 like many other drum samplers comes with groves, The start grove library is not the biggest but hopefully there will be expansions coming for this. In the bleed route section of the mixer you can tell SSD4 how you want things routed, a cool little feature is that I can root the snare room to one output and adjust the snare room EQ on its own and then have the Toms room channel routed to yet another output and get separate EQ for the Tom room sound. This image shows the bleed level control section of the mixer, now what control you can adjust depends on what instrument and library you have loaded. In the first mixer section you can do basic volume and panning adjustments as well as ad AUX busses to group instruments, you can also set different outputs for the kit pieces so you can process them with the plugins you have in your DAW software. The Mixer in SSD4 is basic since SSD4 does not come with any built in processing or EQ plugins. You can also change the MIDI note for a specific cell, this is handy if you want to add a second kick for metal tunes. The Edit Instrument section holds loads of different sound adjustment functions like Tuning, Volume, Pan, Attack, Sustain, Release as well as advanced controls for Dynamic curve, Velocity Curve and Rang curve functions. NRG adds Room sound of NRG Recording’s studio A, and SSD a large concrete warehouse with very reflective walls with additional tweaks to the sound. Note that the the kit window will be the same in Edit instrument as well.Ī lot of the kits and instruments come in two flavors, NRG and SSD. I prefer the Cell view for a clear view of what’s loaded and how they are triggered. The kit window can be viewed in two ways, as a drum view or in cell view (se image below). The top area is a the kit / Instrument browser, and below that is the Kit window. Looking at the Image above we can se how SSD4 divided into 3 areas, The left area holds buttons that will take us to other sections and functions in SSD4. Loading Up SSD4 as a VSTI inside Cubase I was blown away, the SSD4 GUI is looks great and very simple to understand.Īnother thing that struck me was how fast SSD4 loads the samples, this is kind of unique seeing the amount of memory used at the best settings.

#Steven slate drums 4 black friday prices download#

The complete download is approximately 9.3GB and the installation is very simple. The version I got of Steven Slate Drums 4.0 Platinum is the download version.

  • Entire SSD "Mix Ready" Classic and Signature Collection.
  • From punchy tight rock kits, to fat and sizzly vintage kits, and just about everything in between, Steven Slate Drums 4.0 Platinum is the most complete drum instrument on the planet. Imagine having 100 of the world’s best sounding drumkits at your disposal. Steven Slate Drums is now in its forth era,and Steven slate and his developer crew brings with SSD4 a new drum sampler engine to the DAW universe. Slate Digital has for years brought allot of great tools to studios all over the world.įor us home users Steven Slate is most commonly known for his Drum Replacement sounds and tools. His audio production tools can be heard in hits from artists such as Train, Nickelback, Black Eyed Peas and many more. Steven Slate is to many a well known name in the music industries. I will also be using the shorter name SSD4 in this review.Ī small introduction of Steven Slate and SSD4 Today we will have a look at Steven Slate drums 4.0 Platinum. Today i found some extra time to sit down and do a review for you, and it’s a real treat!! Sorry i haven’t been posting allot lately but i have been preparing to move to a bigger home.

    Steven slate drums 4 black friday prices